Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Question still lingers..

Clutched her hand, in mine
Brushed her index, with my thumb
and finally the stupidity became words
I asked

Have been in this world for long,
I want a world of my own
Would you be that?
Would you be that?

The answer,
quite sure,
I knew before

The question still lingers,
in the aura of the silence
in the beauty of the moment
in the warmth of her touch

Sheepishly she snapped,
what if, I accept
Our story 'll be,
just another one of thousands

it 'll be one of the thousands
it 'll be the only one in my world.

Entangled in herself,
Beaming in her past,
the one glaze she passed
made the answer quite clear, yet

The question still lingers,
in the aura of the silence
in the beauty of the moment
in the warmth of her touch.


Kamra number Chauranve

बड़ा सा, कुछ घन सा
जामुन का वृक्ष था, झंझाड़ सा
दिन भी थे, कुछ लम्बे से
अकेले से गर्मियों की छुट्टियों के

बस ऐसे ही रविवार की दोपहरी को,
मैं अपने ख्वाबों को इठलाता, पाव हिलाता,
बैठा हुआ, कमरा नंबर ९४ के बहार
आँगन गरम है, पाव के नीचे की मिटटी नम है

सुगन्ध भी है, कुछ भीनी सी
सामने का आँगन है, बैंगनी जामुन सा
कोयल भी है और अन्य अज्ञात पक्षी भी
उन्हें अपना एहसास कराता, मैं अपनी सिटी की धुन से

लिख रहा मैं अब यह
क्यूंकि वो एहसास था कुछ अपना सा


Monday, July 8, 2013

The Company

Hidden is my mask,
beneath my own face.
Is the reality deluding?

Tears coz of a bug,
the bee, wish not flee,
else, eyes wont weep.

Blinding my sights,
I could see inside,
else, the vision play jokes.

Pumping blood in my veins,
the cold heart in warm blood.
Heart, if warm, I bleed.

Warmth of a hug,
if not, I feel,
waver of icy air.

Closeness of a smile,
the company, if not, forever,
I refuse to exist.